180L 12V  Solar Power Fridge (Complete Set)

180L 12V Solar Power Fridge (Complete Set)

Solar power fridge and solar freezers run on energy directly provided by solar power, and includes photovoltaic panels, solar controller, battery and dc refrigerator or freezer, used to keep perishable goods such as meat and dairy cool in hot climates, also beer & beverage cool in car and camper, commonly used in the developing world to help mitigate poverty, supplement the lack of electricity and energy conservation.

Sunlight Cooker

Sunlight Cooker

A sunlight cooker is a device which uses the energy of direct sunlight to heat, cook or pasteurize drink and other food materials. Many sunlight cookers currently in use are relatively inexpensive, low-tech devices, although some are as powerful or as expensive as traditional stoves, and advanced, large-scale sunlight cookers can cook for hundreds of people.